Scroll down for anonymised testimonials from clients
who have had energy healing sessions on a diverse range of issues.
For tarot reading reviews, click here
(this will take you to my profile on a tarot app).
"I do feel so much better this morning. My brain feels like it's restored. It was really hurting yesterday, that dehydration. It's amazing that you picked that up. I love this. I love that you can do this from far away." - S.
(Energy healing for stress around work and family before an emergency long-haul trip. 29 April 2023)
"Thank you so much for doing the session... I realised I was holding so much tension in my jaw. How fitting that you're finding everything. I still think this is so remarkable that you can do this from the distance that you're at." - S.
(Energy healing for physical discomfort and emotional stress after an emergency long-haul trip. 19 May 2023)
“I am able to stay awake all day since the first session!” – L. (Energy healing for stress-related exhaustion and burnout.)
“I was just telling a friend how much you helped me.” – R.
(Energy healing and card reading sessions relating to career direction and releasing emotional energy from previous relationships.)
“Thank you … the crazy dehydration has passed”. – V.
(Energy healing for stress which caused extreme thirst that disrupted sleep.)
“Your sessions have worked so well. He is generally so much happier. The bad days are more and more few and far between, so we’re doing well. There’s definitely a positive trend”. – B.
(Client’s newborn had colic and disrupted sleep.)